Improve the health and performance of working dogs by facilitating mental, physical and medical health and wellness.

Organize mobile vet service for non-profit & public service K9s
Consultation on and practice of canine fitness, particularly as it pertains to the unique needs of the working dog
Extrication/Extraction (e.g., from entrapment, immobility) of injured working dogs from field situations.
Treatment of minor injuries in the field,
Medical stabilization of working dogs in preparation for transport to upper echelon care
Consultation on and practice of canine physical rehabilitation with the goal of expediting return to duty as well as K9 quality of life. This includes dogs in training and retired.
Perform rigorous scientific research regarding the unique needs of the working dog (e.g., physical and mental conditioning, nutrition, medical handling that promotes rather than hinders K9 performance).
Provide educational seminars, materials and tools for K9 personnel and related organizations as well as facilitate public understanding of unique K9 needs and abilities.

Extrication & Extraction
Training with training aid "Ferdinand"

Upcoming Events
- Fri, May 31Socorro
- Fri, Apr 21Colfax County