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We focus on 3 main areas, Education, Veterinary Medicine and Research. You can find more information below about each of these areas.

1. Education Services for
K9 Handlers
Veterinary Staff
EMS Staff
2. Veterinary Services
Providing on-site clinical veterinary medicine for seminars as well as deployment.
3. Research Services
Where possible we conduct and collaborate on research projects to advance understanding the special needs of the working dog.
Education Services

K9FV provides certification courses as well as seminars and materials on topics specifically relevant to working dogs, handlers and the veterinary community.
Example topics:
Basic & Advanced K9 1st aid for Handlers & EMS
Nutritional considerations of the working dog
K9 Physical Fitness and Conditioning
Respiratory/Airway health and risks in sniffing dogs
Medical handling of the working dog – in the field
Medical management of the working dog - in the field and the clinic
and many others!
See our Courses section for more information. We are happy to tailor educational programs to your needs.
Veterinary Services
We focus on Mental, Physical and Medical working dog needs.
For example:
Mental – K9 mental preparedness, non-performance, motivation, "retirement blues"
Physical – K9 fitness, proper conditioning, specialized K9 rehabilitation
Medical – K9 wellness, injury/disease prevention, illness, injury/disease, K9 retirement​
Veterinary Mobile Unit
We provide an on-site vehicle equipped and staffed for the following.

On-site Veterinary care
​All staff are specifically trained in unique working dog medical needs and handling skills.
Entrance exams to maximize biosecurity and safety of canine participants at seminars ​
Preventative, urgent and emergency K9 care
Physical exam
Lab tests (e.g., cytology, urinalysis, fecal, blood)
Portable, high resolution, digital X-Ray
Diagnostic Ultrasound coming soon!
Medical Treatment
Minor procedures
LASER Therapy
Advanced, multi-wavelength, super-pulsed LASER technology by Multi-Radiance Medical
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Physical Rehabilitation ​
​Regenerative Medicine​​​
PrP coming ​soon!
Basic & Advanced life support
Wound and bleeding management
Fluid therapy​
Respiratory management
Sedation/Anesthesia with Monitoring capability
K9 Extrication, Extraction, Rescue, Recovery capabilities
Professional consultation
K9 Mental, Physical and Medical health
K9 Injury prevention
K9 Disease prevention
K9 Injury and Disease
K9 Conditioning
K9 Rehabilitation
Research Services

When grant and/or donation funding allows, we collect data that allows us to better understand the unique needs of the working dog. To facilitate data collection that minimally interferes with K9 performance, conference or training goals (or even deployment), we use some of the following methods.
Pre-program sample collection kits for handlers (e.g., urine, fecal samples)
On-site data collection stations (e.g., blood samples, body weights)
Non-Invasive/Hands-off technology
Video (e.g., slow-motion gait analysis)
Data tracking collars/harnesses
Infra-red camera (e.g., muscle/tendon injury)
Our research capabilities include, study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation as well as implementation strategies.